Tuesday, 3 March 2020

Path to Glory 26

Path to Glory 26 has 3 challenges, and 40 days to complete them in.

To complete this Path, you must:
  1. Find 700 pieces of Champion equipment
  2. Defeat 500 Encounter Camps
  3. Defeat 90 Alliance Raid waves

Your rewards for completion are:
  1. A 7-Day Vindicator Shield
  2. 30,000 gold
  3. Scorched Eagle Helm (Army Attack +45%, Upkeep -20%, Siege Attack & Health 55%, Cavalry Attack & Health 85%)

For the 1st challenge, gathering, adventures and Dark Citadel participation are the ways to go. Put your gather gear on, and use your equipment adventurers.

For the 2nd challenge, just go hit those camps.  Using cool down decreases may be needed, to be able to finish this with enough time for the final task.

For the 3rd challenge, assuming that you can get 15 waves per rally, you need to lead 6 Dark Citadel raids.  That will take 18 days if your alliance can run a DC every 3 days.  Make sure you leave enough time, or you will have to buy waves, which cost gold, and you can get at most 3 raids per DC.