Monday, 2 December 2019

Path to Glory 23

Path to Glory 23 has 3 challenges, and 40 days to complete them in.

To complete this Path, you must:
  1. Complete 50 Daily Quests
  2. Defeat 475 Encounter Camps.
  3. Gather 500 Raid Keys

Your rewards for completing these missions are:
  1. 30,000 gold
  2. 1 Legacy Chest
  3. Postman's Boots (March Speed +50%, Attach vs Encounter +40%, Health vs Encounter +85%, Champion XP +8%)

For the 1st challenge, you just have to do the daily quests, all 5 of them, so this should take 10 days.
For the 2nd challenge, fire up the Encounter Cooldown, and hit every camp you can see.  They all count.
For the 3rd challenge, gathering and camps are the only way to go. Make sure your alliance has keys needed for your DC, or you can't earn keys.  If this happens, get a War General to start your DC, or change alliances to one that still needs keys.
There is also a Raid Key Finder that you may have in your inventory, which increases the chances of finding a key for 12 hours.  It shows up on the Utility tab, in the hour glass section.  It can't be purchased for gold or favour.

Friday, 11 October 2019

Path to Glory 22

Path to Glory 22 has 3 challenges, and 40 days to complete them in.

To complete this Path, you must:

  1. Find 675 Champion Equipment
  2. Complete 275 Spy Missions
  3. Defeat 87 Alliance Raid waves

Your rewards for completing these missions are:

  1. 30,000 gold
  2. 5 x 100 security bar packs
  3. Mouser's Rapier (Swordsmen Attack and Health +100%, Faction Units Attack +90%, Ranged Attack & Health +65%, Upkeep -5%)

For the 1st challenge, you just have to keep gathering, doing adventures (with the find equipment adventures in your party), attending DC's, or attacking active players.
For the 2nd challenge, get you spy gear on, and just grind through the grey castles around you.
For the 3rd challenge, convince your alliance to run DC's, and join the friendly alliances that are running DC's.

Monday, 16 September 2019

Path to Glory 21

Path to Glory 21 has 3 challenges, and 40 days to complete them in.

To complete this Path, you must:

  1. Complete 125 personal feats
  2. Incapacitate 160,000,000 units
  3. Win 12 Tournament matches

Your rewards for completing these missions are:

  1. a 30 day speedup
  2. 30,000 gold
  3. Triumphant Fist (Cavalry Attack & Health +88%, March Speed +24%, Spy Mission Success Chance +3%, Spy Mission Speed +16%)

For the 1st challenge, you have to fight encounters for the Legionary feat, fight players for the Praetorian feat, become the Emperor for the Basileus feat, win an Atlantis event for the Conquistador feat, Conquer regional capitals for the Conqueror feat, Pillage enemy capitals for the Raider feat, etc.
There are 19 personal feats, which you can earn many times.  Go forth and achieve.

For the 2nd challenge, hit those encounter camps.  Take part in DC's, attack Barbarians/Resistance, or attacking active players.

For the 3rd challenge, take part in the twice weekly tournament, and guess the right formations and talents to set.

Many thanks to Kyo Asakura who provided screen shots of the Path to Glory 21 tasks.  I haven't finished the 2nd challenge yet.

Tuesday, 3 September 2019

RIP Realm 23

Well, after a few years Realm 23 has been merged.
OZY are now in Realm 66, otherwise known as Haorelith.

As such all previous gathering rules are now null and void.
And diplomatic efforts with our new neighbours are in progress.

Thursday, 27 June 2019

How To Setup a Dark Citadel Rally

The following post will show you what to click on to setup a Tier 1 rally, for your other alliance members to join.

Setting up a Dark Citadel rally is usually done with Tier 1 troops, as they heal in zero time, with minimal cost.
If you want to defeat all the waves in a Dark Citadel, then you will need to use Tier 5 troops, and great gear, talents and research.

You should set your gear to March Size, before setting up your Dark Citadel raid, and after setting it up, switch your gear and talents to Encounter Attack/Defence.

Step 1
The first step is to locate where your Dark Citadel is located.
I am assuming that your alliance officers have already called the DC.
Select the Alliance button on the bottom menu:

Select the Alliance Raids option:

Then select the Go to button:

Step 2
The 2nd step is to set the length of time that your alliance partners have to join your rally.
To do this, click on the Dark Citadel, then select the Rally button:

Then select the amount of time (it defaults to 5 minutes), and then click the Set Time button:

Step 3
The 3rd step is to choose what formation you are going to use.
The OZY alliance uses the Bows behind Swords formation.
To select this keep clicking on the Right Arrow until the name changes to Bows behind Swords.  The roman numerals will depend on what level your castle is at.

Step 4
The 4th step is to assign the troops you want to use.
To do this you have to clear the troops that are added by default.  You do NOT want to use the default troops as they will be the highest tier troops that you have.
Click on the Clear Formation button shown below.  (please note that the picture below shows only T1 troops as my castle only has T1 troops)

After clearing the troops click on the type of troop that you want to add (Ranged shown below), and then on the Tier 1 troops of that type.

 Repeat this until you have assigned all the types of troops that you wish to use.  (Cavalry are shown being added below).
Step 5
The final step is to start your rally off.
The time shown is how long it will take your troops to get to the Dark Citadel.

It is the usual practice for alliance members to only add the same types of troops that you have added into your rally.  So if you only want Ranged units, you should only add Ranged units it.
I can help to post an alliance message about what troops to add as well.

Monday, 3 June 2019

Path to Glory 20

Path to Glory 20 has 3 challenges, and 40 days to complete them in.

To complete this Path, you must:

  1. Donate 215 times to Alliance Technology
  2. Defeat 450 Encounters
  3. Finish in 1st place 9 times on the Solo Event Leaderboard

Your rewards for completing these missions are:

  1. A Guardians Pass, which enables 15 minutes of encounter attacks without cooldown
  2. 30,000 gold
  3. The Highlord's Gaze (Faction Units' Attack +101%, Faction Units' Health +54%, Faction Unit Training Speed +27%, Faction Unit Training Capacity +17%)

For the 1st challenge, donate your heart out, and make sure you max out those paragon camp attacks every 8 hours.  If your alliance has completed all the alliance research, then restarting your game will mark this complete.
For the 2nd challenge, use that Guardians Pass, and hit any and every camp in sight.  Any camp of any level counts.
For the 3rd challenge, well, by now you should know what it takes to win a solo event. Gather, Train, Spy, Search, Gamble, etc. to your absolute best, and spend your gold wisely.

Many thanks again to Marius Militaru who provided screen shots of the Path to Glory 20 tasks.

Tuesday, 12 March 2019

Path to Glory 19

Path to Glory 19 has 3 challenges, and 40 days to complete them in.

To complete this Path, you must:

  1. Complete 50 daily quests
  2. Gather 300,000,000 resources
  3. Defeat 85 alliance raid waves

Your rewards for completing these missions are:

  1. 100% gather speed increase for 8 hours
  2. 30,000 gold
  3. The Magnificent Cuirass (Spearmen Attack and Health +101%, Siege Machine Attack +101%, Gathering Speed +31%, Training Speed +35%)

For the 1st challenge, just do your daily quests, 5 per day, 10 days needed.
For the 2nd challenge, put your gathering gear on, set your talents, and go gather.
For the 3rd challenge, you need to attend Dark Citadel raids.  With reasonable gear, you should be defeating at least 13 waves each time, which means you need 7 DC's to achieve this task.  Which will take at least 28 days.
So make sure you leave enough time to be able to do this.

Once again, many thanks to Marius Militaru who provided screen shots of the Path to Glory 19 tasks.

Saturday, 9 February 2019

Path to Glory 18

Path to Glory 18 has 3 challenges, and 40 days to complete them in.

To complete this Path, you must:

  1. Find 650 Champion Equipment
  2. Incapacitate 155,000,000 units
  3. Train 375,000 Faction Units

Your rewards for completing these missions are:

  1. 30,000 Gold
  2. A Legacy Chest
  3. Wolf Warrior's Steps (Gathering Speed +47%, Army Load +50%, March Speed +65%, Resource Income +65%)

For the 1st challenge, you just have to keep gathering, doing adventures (with the find equipment adventures in your party), attending DC's, or attacking active players.
For the 2nd challenge, use the Guardians Pass you just got, and hit those encounter camps.  Take part in DC's, attack Barbarians/Resistance, or attacking active players.
For the 3rd challenge, put your faction training speed gear on, set your talents, and go train units...

Many thanks to Marius Militaru who provided screen shots of the Path to Glory 18 tasks.

Monday, 21 January 2019

Path to Glory 17

Path to Glory 17 has 3 challenges, and 40 days to complete them in.

To complete this Path, you must:

  1. Complete 13 Travelling Hero challenges
  2. Defeat 425 Encounter Camps
  3. Reach 85 Solo Event Milestones

Your rewards for completing these missions are:

  1. A Guardians Pass
  2. 30,000 Gold
  3. A Rush of Strength (Army Attack +61%, Faction Unit Attack and Health +58%, Spearmen Attack and Health +58%)

For the 1st challenge, just do your daily Travelling Hero challenges, 1 per day, 13 days needed.
For the 2nd challenge, use the Guardians Pass you just got, and hit those encounter camps.  Do this as quick as you can, as you really don't want to run out of time for the 3rd challenge.
For the 3rd challenge, you "just" have to get the 3rd level on 29 daily challenges.  There are usually 2 of these per day, so you need at least 15 days to complete this.  Allow extra as some weekends there are no solo events.

Many thanks to Marius Militaru who provided screen shots of the Path to Glory 17 tasks.

Friday, 4 January 2019

Path to Glory 16

Path to Glory 16 has 3 challenges, and 40 days to complete them in.

To complete this Path, you must:

  1. Complete 50 Daily Quests
  2. Train 1,000,000 Tier-V Siege Units
  3. Play the Royal Lottery 30 Times

Your rewards for completing these missions are:

  1. 30,000 Gold
  2. A Legacy Chest
  3. Stone Grip (Army Attack +55%, Cavalry Health +90%, Training Capacity +45%, March Speed +45%)

For the 1st challenge, just do your daily quests, 5 per day, 10 days needed.
For the 2nd challenge, you need approximately 170M Food, 1.3B Stone, 45M Iron, 480M Wood, 50M Silver, and LOTS of speedups.  You should have 29 days to complete the building of these Siege Units, so use your speedups wisely, or go for it in a Muster Event.
For the 3rd challenge, you just need 27,000 Royal Lottery Tickets.  Hopefully you started saving these a while back, or you will have to buy them from GameLoft.

Many thanks to Marius Militaru who provided screen shots of the Path to Glory 16 tasks.